DuPont Microcircuit Materials Wins Solar Industry Award for Photovoltaic Materials

DuPont Microcircuit Materials (DuPont) was granted the 2015 Solar Industry Award in the photovoltaic (PV) Materials category for its DuPont Solamet PV19x series of PV metallization pastes, which help boost the power output of solar panels, lower overall system costs and improve the return on investments in solar energy systems.
Now in their 5th year, the Solar Industry Awards, organized by PV trade publication International Solar, recognize the whole value chain and the people, products and services that are innovating manufacturing and product approaches that have the potential to change the way we live.
DuPont Solamet PV19x series photovoltaic metallization pastes optimize the efficiency with which solar cells convert sunlight into electricity. Solamet PV19A, the first product in the PV19x series, is a front side silver paste based on proprietary technology. It enhances the power output of solar cells by helping to enable fine line printing and minimize shading on the surface of the solar cells, while maintaining superior electrical conductivity. It also offers wider processing latitude during manufacturing, which means cost savings result from higher yields, and tighter cell distribution is shifted toward higher efficiency.
DuPont is actively developing variants of the new Solamet PV19x series aimed at boosting solar cell efficiencies even further.
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