Siemens Canada Receives SaskPower Order for 1200 Core Transformers

The high efficiency, amorphous-core pole-mounted transformers, with ratings from 25 kVA to 100 kVA, will be installed throughout the province between January and December 2016. The contract is worth over $2.4 million and accounts for 80% of the entire SaskPower requirement.
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Amorphous core transformers are more efficient than standard transformers. The randomly arranged molecular structure of the amorphous core material results in less friction than traditional silicon iron cores when magnetized. This unique property facilitates magnetization and demagnetization and yields significantly lower remagnetization losses in amorphous materials. The extreme thinness of the material also provides lower eddy current losses.
“Siemens Transformers Canada invested in dedicated amorphous core production in 2013, leading to a #1 position in Canada for high-efficiency transformers supply for the benefit of our customers all across Canada,” says Francois Faisy, General Manager of Siemens Transformers in Trois-Rivières, PQ.
Since 2011, the Siemens Transformers facility has delivered more than 35,000 amorphous core transformers.