Ontario Technological Skills Competition Moves to Toronto for 2017

The Ontario Technological Skills Competition, the largest skilled trades and technology competition in Canada, will move to the Toronto Congress Centre in 2017. The competition is currently hosted at RIM Park in Waterloo, and features 67 contest sites, 44 elementary challenges and workshops, a career exploration showcase, 2,200 competitors from across Ontario, and more than 20,000 spectators — a number that continues to grow with each passing year.
The Toronto Congress Centre will provide an upgraded space that will allow every contest to be hosted under one roof, making the contests less weather dependant. In addition, associated events such as the OTSC closing ceremony and popular Young Women’s Conference, which are currently hosted off site in Waterloo, will now be hosted at the Toronto Congress Centre.
“Ontario continues to experience a critical skills shortage and Skills Ontario is addressing this ongoing challenge through interactive, hands-on programs in addition to the OTSC,” says Gail Smyth, Executive Director of Skills Ontario. “We are thrilled to be moving the pride of Ontario to the Toronto Congress Centre a facility that will help us heighten the awareness of the tremendous career opportunities in skilled trades and technologies to young people from across Ontario.”
The OTSC moved to the Kitchener Auditorium in 1997, after several years in Hamilton. In 2002, the OTSC moved to RIM Park in Waterloo, where it has seen growth in the number of contests, participants, and visitors year-over-year. This year’s competition takes place May 2-4.
Find out more about Skills Ontario: http://www.skillsontario.com.