Technical Safety BC Seeks Input on Canadian Electrical Code, 2018 Edition

June 18, 2018
As part of Technical Safety BC’s review the 2018 Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), the organization is asking stakeholders for input on technical and socioeconomic impacts. Deadline for input: July 30, 2018.
Technical Safety BC has already begun a technical and socioeconomic analysis on the 2018 CEC, which it expects to conclude in early summer 2018. Technical Safety BC is also consulting widely with industry stakeholders and the public on the impact of the code changes in BC. In particular, it is seeking evidence-based feedback on the impact of the changes related to these four elements:
• technical safety — do the electrical code changes increase or decrease technical safety? Why?
• other relevant regulations, codes and standards — do the electrical code changes align with other regulations, codes and standards? Or do they introduce discrepancies?
• change of practice — do the electrical code changes align with current industry practices? Or do they represent a change in industry practice? If so, how significant will that change in practice be?
• cost — do the electrical code changes create cost savings? Or do they introduce additional costs to industry? If so, who specifically will absorb these costs?
Feedback will be reviewed by ane advisory panel of stakeholders and considered by Technical Safety BC when making its recommendations to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
Find out how you can participate: