WiRE Speed Mentoring at the APPrO 30th Annual Canadian Power Conference



Sept 24, 2018

Hosted by WiRE in partnership with the Association of Power Producers of Ontario APPrO, this free annual speed-mentoring event provides short, focused conversations between mentors and mentees of all genders. Talent and opportunity have met at this event. Don’t miss your chance.

Mentors (industry professionals) 

• Share your knowledge and insight about the Ontario power sector
• Provide guidance to a student entering the field
• Help a developing professional advance their career and enrich your professional life
• Make new contacts and contribute directly to the future of the industry

Mentee (students and developing professionals) 

• Learn about the energy sector from an experienced professional
• One on one and two on one round table mentoring
• Make new contacts and learn about the future of the industry
• Tour the APPrO Power Networking Centre floor and join the reception after the “Speed Mentoring”

The speed mentoring takes place November 13, 3:45 to 5:00 pm during the APPrO conference in Toronto, Ontario.
Find out more: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/wire-speed-mentoring-at-2018-appro-conference-tickets-47772655298

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