4 Electrical Industry Members Win National Safety, Wellness Awards

Nov 18, 2018
Thirty-one companies were recently recognized by Canadian Occupational Safety as winners of the eight annual Canada’s Safest Employers awards. Canada’s Safest Employers awards boast 10 industry-specific categories, including “utilities and electrical.” Applicants are judged on a wide range of occupational health and safety elements including leadership commitment, employee training, health and safety management systems, incident investigation, emergency preparedness, and innovative health and safety initiatives.
The program also includes three special awards: Wellness (for employee overall well-being); Psychological Safety (for employee mental health); and Young Worker Safety (for an employer with programs geared for keeping workers under age 25 safe).
Utilities and electrical
• Gold — Toronto Hydro
• Silvers — Burlington Hydro; Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro; Peterborough Utilities Group
• Silvers — GSK; Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro
To be eligible for a Canada’s Safest Employers award, employers must meet these eligibility criteria:
• have been an employer in Canada for the last five years or more
• have at least 20 employees
• be willing to administer an employee perception survey provided by the Canada’s Safest Employers organizing committee to your workforce
• must not have been charged under occupational health and safety, workers’ compensation and/or the Criminal Code legislation in the last five years
• must not have been convicted under the occupational health and safety, workers’ compensation and/or the Criminal Code legislation in the last five years
Learn more about the awards here, including details on the nomination and judging process as well as listings of past winners: www.safestemployers.com/
Read about Toronto Hydro’s winning efforts: www.cos-mag.com/personal-process-safety/38063-toronto-hydro-plans-for-the-unexpected/