Launches New “Supplier Contract History Letter” Service

Dec 3, 2018
If you’ve done work for the federal government, you can now request your own official supplier contract history letter to use as a reference when bidding on new government work. The letter lists contracts that have previously been awarded to your business by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).
This is a useful service if you need proof of having done business with the Government of Canada; for example, if you want to bid on international opportunities.
This new service allows you to
• personalize your content — select which contracts to include in your letter, and omit the contracts that you do not want included
• request the letter — request an unlimited number of letters, free of cost
• get fast delivery of the official letter to your inbox — your official letter in PDF format will be sent to you via email within 2 business days of submitting your letter request
• choose English or French — you have the option of creating your letter in English or in French
Requesting your letter is a 4-step process:
1. search for and select your supplier legal name
2. select the contracts you want to include in your letter and create a preview letter
3. preview your letter
4. provide your email address and submit your request
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