Webinar: Optimizing Large-Scale PV Plus DC-Coupled Storage Systems

Nov 14, 2019
Energy storage has emerged as the next step in adding value to large-scale PV plants as the costs of both PV and energy storage technologies decrease. Many PV system developers and owners are balancing investment tradeoffs to deploy energy storage in new and existing PV systems.
Navigating the tradeoffs involved with matching PV plus storage business models to the right system design can be challenging. Of the design options available, DC-coupled storage is being recognized globally by utilities, independent power producers (IPPs), solution providers, and institutions like NREL as having a high benefit/cost ratio.
In this webinar, Ampt goes beyond the basic AC-coupled vs. DC-coupled design comparisons for energy storage to discuss how an optimized DC-coupled storage solution was used to maximize the value of one of the largest DC-coupled storage systems in the world.
In this webinar, Ampt will discuss:
- An overview of AC-coupled and DC-coupled energy storage architectures
- Advantages of DC-coupled storage
- How to optimize DC-coupled storage
- Quantification of the advantages delivered
Attendees will learn how optimized DC-coupled storage:
- Increases revenue by capturing and delivering more energy
- Lowers total PV plus storage system cost
- Enables higher DC/AC loading ratios to optimize LCOE
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