Nova Scotia Solar Summit Back For Another Year

Nov 18, 2019
In December 2018, the Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA) and the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines (DoEM) partnered to co-host a one-day solar industry event. CanSIA iwill once again partner with the department to bring you the 2019 Nova Scotia Solar Summit. This year’s event will be held on December 4, 2019 at the Marriott Harbourfront Hotel in Halifax, NS.
The Summit brings together representatives from the solar industry, key solar stakeholders from non-profit organizations and post-secondary institutions, as well as representatives from First Nation communities and federal, provincial and municipal governments. It will include presentations on a number of relevant solar topics and will enable participants to provide important feedback on existing solar policies and programs. The Summit will also provide opportunities to network and share experiences and will include an exhibitor section to showcase Nova Scotia’s growing solar industry.
Go HERE to register