IBEW’s Webinar Wednesdays: Introduction to Stewardship

Nov 12, 2020
IBEW has announced the next topic for their Webinar Wednesday series, “Introduction to Stewardship”.
Having a Union Steward is one of the important benefits you gain from belonging to a Union. Their role is multifaceted and supports many of the union’s activities. Take some time to learn a quick overview of a Union Steward, from their origins in the 1898 engineering industry to modern day. This webinar will look into how they are appointed as well as their roles and responsibilities.
Please note that this course is an “Introduction to Stewardship” and does NOT replace their Stewards training, it simply gives the membership an overview.
Once again, the webinar will be offered twice; one held at a convenient time slot for our members in Eastern Canada and one at a convenient time slot for our members in Western Canada. The schedule for the upcoming webinars along with the links to register is as follows:
Introduction to Stewardship
- Eastern Canada – Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 7:00 pm EST – Register at: https://ibew.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvduCgqDkoGd3hvGvQeDQP2atfy2dyGld7
- Western Canada – Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 6:00 pm PST – Register at: https://ibew.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqdemhrD0qG9EDFb60-s71AFdZDAycwF0k
To attend the webinars, participants will need to register in advance using the links above. Participants will need to provide their full name and local union number when registering. After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.