Nergica Receives Financial Support from Federal Government to Support Energy Transition

EIN Nergica 400

Mar 3, 2021

Renewable energy research and innovation centre Nergica receives financial contribution of $1,478,839 from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.

The package is broken down as follows: 

$1,050,000 over the next three years intended to structure, sustain and develop Quebec’s solar PV industry as well as to support innovation in this sector. 

A grant of $428,839 to allow Nergica to procure specialized equipment for microgrids, decentralized production and wind energy. 

In late April, Nergica will publish a study entitled Solar PV in the Quebec Energy Mix, which will present recommendations for structuring the solar photovoltaic industry in Quebec. This represents the first in-depth study on the subject. The contribution by Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions will notably help support businesses in developing a PV market and value chain in Quebec in accordance with the study’s recommendations. 

The acquisition of specialized equipment will provide a boost to Nergica’s activities in the fields of microgrids, energy storage and wind power in order to better support the industry. 


Nergica is one of the most important applied renewable energy research centres in Canada. The organization is recognized as a Canadian Technology Access Centre (TAC) as well as a College Centre for Technology Transfer (CCTT) affiliated with the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles. 

The financial contribution was awarded to Nergica as part of the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program, which seeks to foster economic growth of businesses and regions through innovation. 


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