ESA April 19 Update Regarding Inspections during the COVID19

April 23, 2021
CSS and Wiring operating During Lockdown (the entire province is in the grey Zone)
1. When entering an installation, the Inspector will only view or access the areas needed to complete the notification. Touch as little as possible and maintain a safe social distance
2. At the Inspector’s discretion, if a physical site visit can not take place, they will use a wide range of options and discretion to both allow business to continue, exercise their authority and conduct inspections in the coming days and weeks
- Instead of visiting a facility or dwelling, the ESA Inspector may meet the LEC performing the work at a safe location to review pictures, videos and any other available evidence to give the Inspector comfort regarding the state of electrical safety for the site or installation
- Pass without a visit as directed and guided by ESA Best Business Practices
- Sampling tools
- Photos
- Videos – live or recorded
- If an inspector is unable to physically view an installation but has accepted pictures, videos or other evidence, they will record what was accepted or what they were/were not able to view in the notification comments, preceded with “COVID19”
Go HERE for more information