BCEA’s Anti-Racism Action Program Survey Results


June 3, 2021

BCEA wants to help foster a more diverse and inclusive electrical industry. As one step towards this goal, BCEA conducted a survey to better understand the electrical industry as it relates to diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and related topics. 

The questionnaire gathered information about how familiar industry members are with certain terms and concepts, the extent to which these topics are discussed in the industry, indicators of industry diversity and inclusion, and what people would most like to learn in relation to these topics. The questionnaire also includes demographic questions to support meaningful data analysis.

Responses were tabulated between January 19 and February 11 2021 with 306 total respondents, 66% from B.C. and 34% outside the province.

33% of respondents were female, 65% male, and 1% were non-binary/prefered not to say.

Go HERE for the survey results

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