Grounded in Ontario: Pool and Hot Tub Summer Safety with Trevor Tremblay

August 20, 2021
Trevor Tremblay, Technical Advisor at Electrical Safety Authority, shares his advice on keeping pools and hot tubs up to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.
Summertime means homeowners are caving into their temptations to finally install that pool or hot tub they’ve always wanted, which means Licensed Electrical Contracting businesses are getting calls to do the installation. But before you dive in, it’s important you take vital steps of separating the water from the electricity — or else your clients’ may suffer a shock.
Trevor Tremblay, Technical Advisor at Electrical Safety Authority, shares how to keep your backyard installations safe this summer, what common hazards to avoid and what to consider before installing a pool or hot tub.
In this episode, Josie Erzetic and Tremblay use their electrical expertise to explain how to stay grounded so your clients can enjoy their backyard oasis.
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