Canada Invests $10 million in Critical Infrastructure and Housing for First Nations Communities in the Northwest Territories

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August 25, 2021

Government of Canada LogoThe federal government is investing $10 million for First Nations communities in the Northwest Territories to respond to their urgent critical infrastructure and housing needs.

This investment builds on Budget 2021’s proposed investments towards immediate housing and infrastructure priorities in the Northwest Territories, including $25 million to the Government of the Northwest Territories to support the construction of 30 new public housing units across the territory. It further responds to urgent needs identified by partners that have not historically received distinctions-based infrastructure funding in Northwest Territories.

There is a need to close social and economic gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, access to adequate infrastructure is vital to a community’s social and economic health and well-being.

Through Canada’s Arctic and Northern Policy Framework, Canada is working with Indigenous, territorial and provincial partners to identify immediate and long-term priorities for the North. The need to address northern infrastructure and housing was identified as a top priority in order to support resilient and healthy northern and Indigenous people.


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