Greening Government Fund Reduces Emissions in Government Operations and Stimulates Innovation

October 12, 2022
The Government of Canada is leading by example by working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its operations by 2050 through the Greening Government Strategy.
The Honourable Mona Fortier, President of the Treasury Board of Canada, was at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography to witness first-hand the success of the Seawater Heating project, which was funded through the Greening Government Fund.
This project uses a seawater-sourced geothermal heat pump system to provide hot water for radiant space heating and general use throughout the facility. The project will reduce the use of natural gas by 87% and achieve an annual saving of more than $320,000.
The project received $680,000 through the Greening Government Fund, which was established by the Treasury Board Secretariat’s Centre for Greening Government. The fund helps government organizations make strategic investments in clean technologies and develop innovative solutions for greening their operations. The funding is intended for projects that reduce GHG emissions in federal operations, that can be reproduced within or across departments, and that pursue important solutions in areas where GHGs are difficult to reduce.
Since its inception in 2019, the fund has provided more than $31.9 million in funding for some 44 projects from 16 different federal government organizations.
“The Government of Canada is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering a low-carbon, resilient and clean economy. Through the Greening Government Fund we are helping bring green projects to reality. The Seawater Heating project at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography is one of many examples where innovation is showing the way to net-zero, climate-resilient and green operations”.
– The Honourable Mona Fortier, President of the Treasury Board
“The Government of Canada understands we must aggressively reduce greenhouse gas emissions while Canada continues working towards a clean and low-carbon economy. The Greening Government Fund champions innovative solutions, like the ocean-based initiative to significantly shrink the amount of natural gas consumed at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography.”
– The Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Quick Facts
- The Centre for Greening Government provides leadership toward net-zero, climate-resilient and green Government of Canada operations.
- The Greening Government Strategy is a set of commitments that apply to all core government departments and agencies and supports the Government of Canada’s commitment for net-zero emissions by 2050.
- The Greening Government Fund was established as part of the Government of Canada’s response to climate change to promote innovative approaches to reducing GHG emissions and provides project funding to federal organizations to reduce emissions in their operations.