Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) Awarded $2.1 Million to Support Youth Hiring and Training

June 8, 2023

Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) was awarded $2.1 million dollars to continue the highly successful Discovering Potential Program (DPP) over the next two years, to March 31, 2025. This program offers youth valuable work experience through internships and on-the-job training in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) occupations, with a particular focus on electricity, renewable energy, environment, and natural resources.

Program Details

This program has been made possible thanks to the Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Science, Technology and Internships Program—Green jobs, which offers funding to employers in the natural resources sector across Canada, including in remote and Northern communities, to provide youth with work experience and skills training opportunities that contribute to positive environmental outcomes. The Discovering Potential Program will continue to provide funding to employers in the electricity sector, to hire and mentor eligible youth between 15 and 30 years of age.

“Youth continue to be under-represented in Canada’s electricity sector and this program really helps young people at a time when they need it most,” said Michelle Branigan, CEO, EHRC. “Youth unemployment rates in Canada continue to
be twice the national average.”

Previous Success

The Discovering Potential Program has already yielded remarkable success. Jade Polchies, a participant in the program, was hired by Workforce Warriors for the Shediac Solar Project, the first industrial-scale solar project in New Brunswick. With NRCan funding and EHRC support, Jade received training, a salary, and other necessary assistance, allowing her to excel in the renewable energy industry. She now works full-time at The Smart Energy Company and is excited to continue her journey in New Brunswick’s green energy sector.

“This career opportunity would not have been a reality for Jade without EHRCs support, in terms of training costs, other supports, and a wage subsidy. If we had more partners like EHRC in all the other sectors, imagine the vulnerable Indigenous youth we could get on their intended paths,” commented Karen Gillam, Founder & CEO, Workforce Warriors.


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