Intertek to Support CarbonLeap’s Fuel Switch and Carbon Intensity Initiative

May 9, 2023

Intertek will support CarbonLeap’s fuel switch and carbon intensity projects by providing witness, measurement and verification fuel blending solutions to help deliver vital and accurate CO2 savings.

About Intertek and Carbonleap Initiative

CarbonLeap is a Dutch initiative striving to help accelerate the market for voluntary CO2 savings through, amongst other processes, the blending of biofuels in marine and heavy road transport in The Netherlands. The initiative aims to aid cargo owners and their clients as they seek to decarbonise their supply chains by using a product called Carbon Insets. Insets are derived by internally implementing methods to reduce emissions via supply chain interventions that are (directly) related to the scope 3 activities companies wish to reduce.

To properly calculate the CO2 savings, Intertek will witness, measure and verify the blending and carbon intensity of fuels for marine and road transport. The multi-disciplinary team will include experts from Intertek Caleb Brett, Intertek Lintec, and the carbon footprint specialists from the CarbonClear certification group.

The project entails three scopes of work. The first scope involves witnessing and sampling the process of fuel delivery. This will include services such as pre-tank inspection, quantity measurement and fuel (blend) sampling. The second scope involves fuel analysis for the blended fuel samples. To that extent, Intertek will perform a fuel analysis against ISO 8217:2005, 2010 / 2012 and 2017. The final scope comprises assessing a product’s carbon footprint of the (blended) fuel in comparison with the fossil replacement fuel to calculate the CO2 savings.

Frank Beiboer, of Intertek’s CarbonClear team, said, “As a leading provider of assurance services that enable businesses to demonstrate their end-to-end commitment to sustainability, we are excited to join the CarbonLeap initiative. We look forward to supporting the Carbon Inset program through Quality Assurance Solutions that will help ensure accuracy and verification of CO2 savings. Utilizing our multi-faceted and global expert team, we are uniquely positioned to help companies achieve their Net Zero goals.”

Frank Beiboer, of Intertek’s CarbonClear team

CarbonLeap’s CEO, Bertil Duinhouwer, added: “The scope of our cooperation will deliver the necessary verification and assurance that our clients demand from us, allowing them to accept fuel switches as a measure to reduce their scope 3 transport CO2 emissions and prevent ambiguity around the actual savings or revised footprint. Together with Intertek we expect to deliver the expertise needed to fulfil our promise to customers regarding our voluntary Carbon Insetting product.”

Bertil Duinhouwer, CarbonLeap’s CEO


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