Union Training and Innovation Program Call for Proposals Now Open

September 2, 2022
The Government of Canada has announced the Call for Proposals for the Union Training and Innovation Program (UTIP) – an initiative under the Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy – is now open from August 31 until October 12.
UTIP was first announced in the 2016 Federal Budget, and was doubled in the 2022 federal budget. Many local unions and training centres have been UTIP recipients; this funding allows for the purchase new training equipment, make enhancements to training facilities, develop training and resources to respond to the changing economy and ensure Canada’s skilled tradespeople continue to be the most highly-skilled, best-trained workers anywhere in the world.
Up to $10 million in funding is available for the next intake round, projects that purchase equipment and materials to support the development of environmental skills in Red Seal trades will be prioritized.
An information session is being held on September 13th, where participants will be able to ask questions. Organizations can participate in the sessions online or by teleconference. If you are interested in attending the information session, send an email to: EDSC.PFIMS.EQUIP.MAT-EQUIP.MAT.UTIP.ESDC@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca.
Go HERE for more information