EFC’s Distribution Transformer Business Section Members Announce That The Ontario Ministry of Energy is Proposing to Amend O. Reg 509/18

August 18, 2022
After several meetings with EFC’s Distribution Transformer Business Section members, including a recent meeting that included representation from members of the Utilities Standard Forum (USF), EFC is pleased to announce the Ontario Ministry of Energy is proposing to amend O.Reg 509/18.
EFC received the following communication:
“The Ontario Ministry of Energy is proposing to amend Ontario’s Energy and Water Efficiency Regulation (O. Reg. 509/18 under the Electricity Act, 1998) with changes affecting 18 products, including liquid-filled distribution transformers. Currently, O.Reg. 509/18 requires that liquid-filled distribution transformers sold in Ontario and manufactured prior to January 1, 2023 meet efficiency minimums specified in CSA C802.1-13, Minimum efficiency values for liquid-filled distribution transformers, while those manufactured on or after January 1, 2023 must meet efficiency requirements specified by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) (see Schedule 6, paragraphs 7 and 8 in O.Reg. 509/18 for these requirements).
In response to concerns raised through Electro-Federation Canada about industry and local distribution companies not being able to prepare for this change due to ongoing supply chain issues and delays in transformer shipments, we are proposing in this amendment to continue to allow manufacturers to meet the existing C802.1-13 requirements as an alternative compliance option. However, we are proposing to do that by adopting an ambulatory reference to the CSA standard in the regulation, so that any future changes to the standard are automatically incorporated into O.Reg. 509/18 requirements. In addition, the Proposal will provide additional flexibility for manufacturers who are already meeting DOE standards, so they will also meet Ontario’s requirements.”
On August 10, 2022, the Proposal to amend O.Reg. 509/18 was posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) and Regulatory Registry (RR) for a 45-day public review period (see Proposal to amend O.Reg. 509/18 under the Electricity Act, 1998 (“Efficiency Regulation”) | Environmental Registry of Ontario). EFC will be submitting comments as advised by the members of our Wire & Cable section.