CAF-FCA Seeking Pre-Apprentice, Apprentice and Tradespeople’s Feedback for the Health Canada Research Study

November 24, 2022
The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FCA), a national, non-profit organization, has been funded by Health Canada to conduct a study about understanding substance use. The goal of the study is to understand the extent and nature of substance use among apprentices and tradespeople, and the supports available to help support their wellbeing.
By hearing directly from apprentices and journeypersons, like yourselves, CAF-FCA hopes to develop a national communications strategy for apprentices that will provide effective tools and resources to support the health and wellbeing of apprentices and tradespeople. This study has been approved by the Health Canada Research Ethics Board.
“Your perspective is vital to the project because we want to tailor our communication messages so they reach an apprentice audience,” the CAF-FCA says about the survey.
As a thank you for participating CAF-FCA are offering multiple draws for $100 increasing your chances to win.
Survey results are anonymous. Names for the prize draw are kept separately from the survey results. If you have any questions about this study, do not hesitate to contact Emily Arrowsmith, Director of Research and Programs, CAF-FCA at
Go HERE to complete the survey