Setting up an Electrical Safety Training Program: What is Required by OSHA, CSA and NFPA?

In Part 1, James R. White looked at the level of training required, suggested components of a training program, and the definition of a “qualified” person. Here, he compares CSA Z462 and NFPA 70E by emergency response training, lockout/tagout and more. Also included: a handy checklist summary of CSA, NFPA and OSHA electrical safety training requirements.


On The Job BC Power

Building a New Power Line Gave BC crews a Chance to Shine

Foreman Bill Dalling can’t imagine doing anything else but working in the line trade. His crews worked on slopes of up to 30% grade capable of snapping chains or towing straps securing heavy loads. And then there was the spring thaw, where snow turned to mud “thick like gumbo.”But to hear Dalling describe it, building a new transmission line is about as good as it gets, at least for someone who’s made a career out of building power lines.