Guide to the CE Code, Part I – A Roadmap (Installment 1 in a Series)
Often, users encounter situations where they find themselves at odds with the rules contained in the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (the Code).These situations can occur for designers, consultants, installers, inspectors, manufacturers, students, instructors and standards developers alike, and usually result from a misreading, misunderstanding, misapplication or inability to locate the requirement that is needed or relevant to their tasks.
NEMA Publishes Standard For Control, Thermocouple Extension, and Instrumentation Cables
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published ANSI/NEMA WC 57/ICEA S-73-532-2014 American National Standard For Control, Thermocouple Extension, and Instrumentation Cables. This standard applies to materials, construction, and testing of multiconductor control, thermocouple extension, and instrumentation cables rated up to and including 125°C. Users and producers of insulated cable will find this standard useful.
2015 CE Code — Part 1 Changes: IV
This is the fourth of a series of articles detailing significant changes the Technical Committee considered the 2015 Canadian Electrical Code Part I (CE Code). The final meeting for 2015 CE Code changes took place in June of this year. The rules shown in this article are limited to changes adopted by CE Code Technical Committee and are not subject to further changes. It should be noted that until a formal memorandum of revisions to the CE Code is published by the CSA, the information provided in this article is simply based on the observations of the writer.
Graybar Canada’s 2015 EFC Scholarship Rewards Excellence, Including Community Service
As part of Electro-Federation Canada (EFC)’s 2015 scholarship program, Graybar Canada is offering a $3,500 award of excellence scholarship. Engaging university and college students is critical in our industry, says Joris Myny, Chair of Electro-Federation Canada (EFC)’s scholarship program and a senior vice president of Siemens Canada Limited.
2015 CE Code — Part 1 Changes: III
This is the third of a series of articles detailing significant changes for the 2015 Canadian Electrical Code Part I (CE Code). Specifically, Sections 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12.The rules in this article are limited to changes adopted by CE Code Technical Committee and not subject to further changes. It should be noted that until a formal memorandum of revisions to the CE Code is published by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), the information provided in this article is simply based on the observations of the writer.