Vario Sky Electrochromic Smart Glass

Vario Sky


July 25, 2017

Vario Sky Glass electrochromic coating consists of five layers of ceramic material. Applying a low voltage of electricity darkens the coating as lithium ions and electrons transfer from one electrochromic layer to another electrochromic layer.

Reversing the voltage polarity causes the ions and electrons to return to their original layer, causing the glass to return to its clear state.

This solid-state reaction is controlled through a very low voltage (less than 5V DC) power supply. A darkened state enables Vario Sky Glass to absorb and reradiate away the sun’s unwanted heat and glare. A clear state allows you to maximize daylight and solar energy

This product is well suited for building facades composed almost entirely of glass, seeing as it helps reduce the cost of heating in the winter and cooling in the summer. The technologically inclined will find this smart glass convenient and innovative, as it is electrically operated and can be controlled by a light sensor or a smart-home automation system.

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