What is ISOtechnology™ from Siemens?

EIN Siemens fire 3 400

July 20, 2021

Protecting the things that matter is critical. When people and places are protected we all feel safer, more productive, and successful. An important element of protection is initiating device circuit isolation, and Siemens is the first and only manufacturer to give you built-in isolation in Fire Safety products at no extra cost.

What is ISOtechnology™ from Siemens?

Did you know that Siemens is the first and only ULC listed product manufacturer to provide built-in isolation or ISOtechnology™ on all major fire system devices at no extra cost? This ensures better protection and survivability on all of your fire system devices.

A typical system requires separate isolation modules, additional labour, more addresses, higher system current draw, and an increased engineering design effort to add isolation. With Siemens built-in ISOtechnology™, you have fewer devices and maximum protection against possible circuit issues. Siemens Built-in ISOtechnology™ provides virtual circuit survivability, and a short in one zone doesn’t affect another zone, or impede normal system operation.

Everyone benefits from Siemens new addressable isolation technology.

  • Addressable isolation, makes troubleshooting grounds, shorts and opens faster
  • On-demand isolation, allows simple system expansion and modification
  • Cost reduction in design, installation and maintenance

Watch this video to learn more




Click HERE to find out more about adding addressable isolation with ISOtechnologyTM by Siemens

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