2015 Contractor Technology Benchmarking Survey

NECA Survey


Which technologies do you use to get the job done?

Your electrical distributor partners at the National Association of Electrical Distributors would like to know how you use technology to conduct business and complete projects, and so would we. NAED and NECA invite you to take the 2015 Contractor Technology Benchmarking Survey to help distributors evaluate their capabilities and develop a roadmap for improved performance.

The survey asks a series of questions about which websites you use and what tasks you perform. It should take about 7 to 10 minutes to complete. You can even stop the survey at any point and come back to the same spot at your convenience.

The final results from this survey will be kept anonymous and only the compiled information will be released. The data will be shared with the entire industry to enhance awareness of your technology concerns and allow individual distributors to leverage their own unique competitive advantages.

This information will be used to create tools that will add more end-customer value, increase supply chain efficiency, and save time for everyone.

Take the survey: http://www.necanet.org/news/news-release-archive/news/2015/07/22/2015-contractor-technology-benchmarking-survey




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