Report Forecasts Global Green Building to Double by 2018

World Green Building Trends


Feb 26, 2016

Strong growth is anticipated globally according to World Green Building Trends 2016, a report published by Dodge Data & Analytics. The report is based on a survey of 1,000 building professionals in 60 countries. An increasing percentageof respondents projected that more than 60% of their projects would be green projects — from 24% of respondents in 2015 to 39% in 2018. Respondents projecting that fewer than 15% of their projects would be certified green fell from 41% in 2015 to 27% by 2018.

“The survey shows that global green building activity continues to double every three years,” saysJohn Mandyck, Chief Sustainability Officer of United Technologies, which supported the research. “More people recognize the economic and productivity value that green buildings bring to property owners and tenants, along with the energy and water benefits to the environment, which is driving the green building industry’s growth. It’s a win-win for people, planet and the economy.”

The study demonstrates the benefits of building green, with median operating cost decreases for green buildings of 9% expected in just one year globally. Building owners also report seeing a median increase of 7% in the value of their green buildings compared to traditional buildings, an increase that is consistent between newly built green buildings and those that are renovated green. These business benefits are a critical driver for the growth of green building anticipated globally.

Growth is forecast to be particularly impressive in developing countries. Brazil expects six-fold growth (from 6% to 36%) in the percentage of companies conducting a majority of their projects green; five-fold growth is expected in China (from 5% to 28%); and four-fold growth is expected in Saudi Arabia (from 8% to 32%).

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