Small Business Lighting Incentive Program for Ontario

June 28, 2016
Businesses across Ontario can qualify for up to $1,500 in free energy-efficient lighting and equipment upgrades.
Eligible businesses will receive the following benefits: a free onsite lighting assessment of their facility, up to $2,000 in incentives towards eligible energy efficient lighting upgrades, and a turn-key lighting installation which eliminates the need to search for a qualified contractor, obtain quotes, submit incentive applications, project manage the retrofit, and clean-up.
Save on Energy programs like this one are offered through local hydro companies and powered by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).
Who is eligible to participate
- Businesses with an average annual demand of less than 100kW
- Previous participants of the Power Saving Blitz 2008-2010 or Direct Install Lighting (also known as Small Business Lighting 2011-2015) programs
Interested businesses are invited to contact their local hydro utility. If the program is available in that area, a local hydro utility representative will help determine eligibility, provide relevant documents, and arrange an appointment to get started on a lighting upgrade.
To see of the Small Business Lighting Program is currently being offered by your local hydro company, click on My Programs and enter your postal code.
Image courtesy of hywards at