Technical Safety BC: New Electrical Installation Permit Fees Category

Tech Safety

Oct 15, 2018

On January 1, 2019, Technical Safety BC will introduce a new and lowered set of fees for electricity production and storage systems, such as renewable energy systems (s.64 of the Canadian Electrical Code), generators, and batteries.

Systems primarily intended to produce or store electricity to be used off site (e.g., a utility), and systems that power industrial equipment and other large commercial operations (e.g., a sawmill), are excluded from these fees and would continue to be included under the current installation permit fee structure.

Here are two examples of how the fee will be applied:

• ABC Electrical Contracting has been hired to install solar panels on a single family dwelling or multi-unit residential dwelling. They are not doing any other electrical work on that building, and they hold no active electrical permits for the building. ABC Electrical Contracting will pay $172 for the electrical installation permit for the solar panel installation

• John Doe Electrical Contracting has been hired to do $250,000 worth of work to wire a multi-unit apartment building, and also install backup diesel generators. John Doe Contracting will pay $110 for the generator installation, plus $2,610 based on the $250,000 electrical installation permit value. Note that the $250,000 permit value does not include the cost of the generator.

These fees will cover the cost of safety officer travel to the permit site and the time that safety officers take to answer your questions about connecting electricity storage and production systems. A portion of these fees also covers provincial safety oversight improvements, such as adoption of the Canadian Electrical Code, educational programs, and improvements to our online systems and services.

Until December 31, 2018, all permits issued will pay the regular electrical installation permit fees in the existing fee schedule.

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