ECAA PEC Training Courses in March: Basic Electrical Estimating and Estimating & Finalizing the Tender

March 5, 2020
Instructors: Barry Lawrence
Thursday, March 12th & Friday, March 13th, 2020
Alberta Roofing Contractors Association
2380 Pegasus Road NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8G8
Legislation recognizes a PEC (Professional Electrical Contractor) as an “Employer”. This course lays the groundwork to develop a successful safety program, and mitigate additional employer risk. We’ll learn to identify common gaps found in safety systems, simple ways to interpret legislation, and many other valuable tools including: OH&S Obligations (Employer & Worker); Employee Competency; WCB Expectations; Claims Management Strategies; CSA Z463 & Z462.
Go HERE to register
Instructor: Jeff Light, PEC
Thursday, March 19th & Friday, March 20th, 2020
Alberta Roofing Contractors Association
2380 Pegasus Road NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8G8
For small contractors who are not ready to make the investment in a computerized estimating system.
Designed to teach new contractors the fundamentals of preparing an electrical estimate using the Elemental Format hands-on. The course will address material take-off, pricing of materials, labouring of materials using the NECA Manual of Labour Units, labour costs, special overheads, general overheads and profit/contingencies.
Go HERE to register
Instructor: Chris Reinert, PEC
Thursday, March 26th, Friday, March 27th & Saturday, March 28th, 2020
ECAA Provincial Office
17725 103 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5S 1N8
This 3-day course will cover types of estimates, organizing the estimate, labor units, computer estimating and finalizing the tender. Goals of this course include how to do an estimate using a set of drawings and specs applying take off terms and procedures to finalize and submit tender documents and develop an estimate in a format that can be used as a Project Management tool.
Go HERE to register
Go HERE for more information on ECAA’s Professional Electrical Contractor Program
Go HERE for the PEC Schedule and Registration form