Introducing the Manitoba Building Trades Institute

June 19, 2020
MBT (Manitoba Building Trades) is pleased to announce a new state-of-the-art training facility, Manitoba Building Trades Institute (MBTI).
Set to open fall 2020, MBTI will deliver a full range of safety and practical training to Manitoba’s skilled trade professionals in a newly renovated 70,000 square ft. facility located in central Winnipeg. The Institute will be home to interactive classrooms and lecture hall, student amenities, and the new Manitoba Building Trades administrative offices.
MBTI was built on the understanding that safe, skilled, and highly productive labour starts with training. We will continue our commitment to Manitoba’s contractors through our standardized and consistent training programs — ensuring the delivery of highly trained work-ready skilled trades professionals.
MBTI will continue its commitment to Manitoba’s contractors through standardized and consistent work-readiness training programs. By centralizing and standardizing our core work-ready training, we can ensure the continued delivery of highly trained work-ready skilled trades professionals. MBTI will go beyond safety and skills, ensuring members receive additional training in areas such as professionalism in the workplace, and personal financial management. We are investing in training to deliver the safest, most productive and professional workforce in the industry.
Core training courses will be available to new workforce entrants and existing skilled trades professionals seeking skills upgrading and annual safety compliance renewals.
We are committed to workforce development and participation initiatives for under-represented groups. MBTI will have a strong focus on creating continuous employment opportunities to achieve higher completion rates for women and Indigenous apprentices. A coordinated model of recruitment, training, employment, and advancement will ensure entry and retention in the skilled trades.
MBTI programming will deploy a custom suite of leading technology in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) tools to enhance learning and to ensure students are ahead of the curve and prepared to use these technologies in the workplaces of the future.
MBTI will act as an innovative student-focused hub for Manitoba’s high school youth. Trades familiarization programming will provide students with an introduction and exploration of the skilled trades. Additionally, MBTI is launching an innovative Aquaponics Greenhouse in partnership with Seven Oaks School Division.
To learn more about MBTI and available programming visit