ESA Protocol for Customer Visits Regarding COVID-19

August 13, 2020
The Electrical Safety Authority has implemented procedures and strict protocol to reduce the spread of COVID-19 for their employees, customers, and the public.
They have provided comprehensive training to their employees and provided them with personal protective equipment, and face coverings to wear when physical distancing is challenging.
They ask that when interacting with our inspectors please follow physical distancing protocols and remain 6 feet apart, and if possible wear a mask. Remember their mask protects you, and your mask protects them.
Additionally, you will notice inspectors will not do the routine introduction handshake. This is for your safety and well-being to minimize the spread of COVID-19.
If you are ill or have symptoms related to COVID-19 contact your local public health unit and follow their recommendations.
ESA’s COVID-19 practices and procedures are regularly updated. You can find those updates HERE