CAF-FCA, Skills Canada Educator Guide Consultation by Province

March 19, 2021
CAF-FCA and Skills/Compétences Canada are seeking input from educators to inform the redevelopment of the Educator’s Guide to Careers in the Skilled Trades. The organizations want to create a better understanding among educators, parents, counsellors, adult learners, and youth about actual apprentice requirements. Preparation of apprentice candidates will result in a better fit with employer needs, more efficient labour market attachment for youth, Indigenous peoples and newcomers to Canada and more productive school to work transitions. By encouraging skills development at the high school level, apprentices and/or entry level workers will be more productive in the workplace.
Working group sessions are planned for each province and territory to gather feedback from every corner of the country. Information collected at the one hour meetings will enhance content to better inform educators, youth and parents about rewarding and lucrative career options in the skilled trades.
Visit CAF-FCA’s event page for registration information for each Province and Territory.