ESA Partners with the Holmes Group to Educate Homeowners on their Electrical Responsibilities

April 29, 2021
As part of ESA’s Hire a Licensed Electrical Contractor campaign, ESA has partnered with the Holmes Group in an effort to educate homeowners on the need to hire a Licensed Electrical Contractor, file a notification of work with ESA and understand the differences between a Licensed Electrical Contractor, Master Electrician and Certified Electrician.
With over one million combined followers on social media and more than 100 million annual media impressions, we are confident that this partnership will help reach and educate homeowners across the province.
“Some of the biggest renovation nightmares I’ve come across involved bad electrical work. Knowing when it’s time to bring in a pro is key to keeping your home safe from risk of electrical fires,” said Mike Holmes, professional contractor and TV Host, the Holmes Group. “This is why I am partnering up with the Electrical Safety Authority, Together, we will raise awareness of safe electrical work. And that means keeping Ontarians safe from electrical harm.”
The communications campaign will include posts across the social media channels of Mike Holmes, Sherry Holmes and Mike Holmes Jr, videos, blog posts, Twitter chats, and the potential for integration into relevant TV episodes.
ESA will also be discussed in an upcoming Holmes on Homes podcast episode featuring Frank Cozzolino, owner of Solutions Electrical and well-known Holmes on Homes TV personality.
The episode will be released on April 29 on all major streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google podcasts or you can watch them on the Make it Right website.