AD Announces Merger With Canadian Buying Group Torbsa

EIN AD Torbsa

June 8, 2022

AD and Torbsa Limited are announcing an agreement to merge the two groups. The merger is expected to close July 1, 2022.

Established in Ontario in 1966, Torbsa is a shareholder-owned group made up of twenty-seven independent building supplies distributors, with 48 locations across Canada.

Rob Dewar, president of AD Canada, discussed how Torbsa’s strong leadership and financial success made the buying group an ideal match for AD.

“Torbsa has been a leader in this space for a long time, and our new relationship will help us provide more benefits for members, including an increased supplier portfolio,” Dewar said. “We both share a passion for serving independents and helping them thrive in competitive markets, and we’re honored to have them join the AD community.”

The merger will create a new division: AD Canada – Building Supplies. Torbsa President Paul Williams will head the division while reporting to Dewar, and three additional Torbsa employees will join the AD team.

“The decision to align our business with AD was one that was scrutinized thoroughly,” Williams stated. “TORBSA and its shareholders are truly excited at the road ahead, as we lay the foundation for what will be many years of success as a business.”

AD Chairman and CEO Bill Weisberg talked about how this merger deepens AD’s presence in Canada and marks another significant point of growth for AD.

“A key priority for us in recent years has been growing our presence in Canada, and our leadership team has done an amazing job identifying opportunities and expanding our multi-divisional footprint. With a new Canadian division and multiple new associates coming on board, the future continues to look bright for AD Canada,” Weisberg said.

Williams commented on AD’s reputation in the industry and how the merger will support Canadian independents.

“AD brings decades of experience, strong leadership throughout the organization, with strong business ethics and core values ​​that align with our own. Their scale and expertise across North America give us the strength to compete and succeed in an ever-changing marketplace,” Williams said.


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