Federal Government Announces Oil to Heat Pump Co-Delivery Program in Nova Scotia & P.E.I.

February 27, 2023
Heat pumps not only help families save money on their monthly bills, they also help cut pollution and fight climate change. That’s why the Government of Canada is taking another step forward to help families make the switch from expensive home heating oil to efficient electric heat pumps.
Registration has opened for the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability (OHPA) Program in P.E.I. and Nova Scotia. Eligible homeowners can receive up to $5,000 in federal support from this program in addition to up to $5,000 from the Canada Greener Homes Grant and further support from the Province of P.E.I. and the Province of Nova Scotia.
Registration for Prince Edward Island is through the provincial Free Heat Pump Program.
Registration for Nova Scotia is through the provincial program delivered by EfficiencyOne.
The program helps low-to-middle-income households that are currently heating their homes with oil to move to electric cold-climate heat pumps. By switching, homeowners can receive up to $5,000 toward the purchase and installation of a new cold-climate heat pump, save thousands of dollars annually on heating bills and help cut pollution.
Homeowners in Nova Scotia are invited to register through the EfficiencyOne website. Homeowners in Prince Edward Island are invited to register through the Free Heat Pump Program. All other eligible homeowners across Canada can pre-register through the CGHG Portal. Those who pre-register will be contacted once final program details are launched in the coming weeks. Introduced in November 2022, the OHPA program is delivering $250 million in investments for electric heat pumps as a new stream under the existing Canada Greener Homes Initiative.