National Cable Specialists Introduce New Sales Manager for Eastern Canada

June 7, 2024

“It is with mixed emotions that we announce the retirement of Jean-Claude Khodeir (JC) as National Cable Specialists Sales Manager. JC’s achievements and accomplishments over 32 years of dedicated service are difficult if not impossible to sum up. He has been an integral part of the success and growth of National Cable Specialists and can be proud to be ending his career on a high note with the Eastern Canada division positioned as a market leader within the industry,” said the company via press release.

With that National Cable Specialists announced the appointment of Gabriel Hebert as JC’s successor as Sales Manager for Eastern Canada.

“Gabriel has a solid foundation in the company, having spent eight years as an account manager learning the business under JC’s guidance. With his experience and knowledge of our business, we are confident in Gabriel’s ability to lead National Cable Specialists to continued success in Eastern Canada,” said the company.


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