The UMQ and Hydro-Québec Sign Framework Agreement Concerning use of Transmission Line Rights-of-Way for Recreational and Community Purposes

Suzanne Roy, Acting President of the Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) and Mayor of Sainte-Julie, and Marc Boucher, President of Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie, have announced the signing of a framework agreement…



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Lower Nicola Indian Band Development Corp. Will Own and Operate the New Kingsvale Electricity Transmission Line

The Lower Nicola Indian Band Development Corporation (LNIBDC) has announced it has entered into a partnership with Trans Mountain and Valard Construction LP (Valard) to build, own, operate and maintain the new 24-kilometre Kingsvale Electricity Transmission Line that will run through the Lower Nicola Indian Band’s traditional territory.