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The Canadian Electricity Association announces Climate Change Adaptation Plans in collaboration with Natural Resources Canada

The Canadian Electricity Association announced funding for a partnership with Natural Resources Canada to facilitate guidance documents for electric utilities to create sector specific climate change adaptation plans.


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The inaugural Future of Power sparks conversation about more economical, reliable, and sustainable power consumption

Spark Power Group, an independent provider of integrated power solutions to industrial, commercial, and institutional (ICI) customers across North America, took over Evergreen Brick Works on Tuesday, April 9th, 2019 for its inaugural Future of Power conference.



Ontario Electrical Industry Coalition Seeks Role in Government Plans for Skilled Trades

The Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario (ECAO), the Ontario Electrical League (OEL) and the IBEW are joining forces to work with the Ontario government to educate them on why reducing the scope of practice of a 309A Electrician-Construction and Maintenance would risk public safety and deter others from entering the trade.

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Alectra Utilities Receives International Smart 50 Award for Consumer-Centric Advantage Power Pricing Pilot

Smart 50 Awards, in partnership with Smart Cities Connect, Smart Cities Connect Foundation and US Ignite, has recognized Alectra Utilities’ Advantage Power Pricing program – an innovative electricity pricing plan pilot — as among the most transformative and influential smart cities projects in the world.