Convectair Researchers Participate in the Inter-University Franco-Quebec Symposium (CIFQ) on Thermal Systems

Convectair Researchers Participate in the Inter-University Franco-Quebec Symposium (CIFQ) on Thermal Systems

June 1, 2017

Two researchers at the Convectair Center for Expertise and Training presented their plans for the development of the company’s Klimat -37.5° C bi-climatic chamber as well as the results of their research on thermal comfort and the efficiency of various electric heaters. 

Jérémie Léger and Kilian Le Borgne both work in Convectair’s Center for Expertise and Training.

The Klimat -37.5˚ C is a test chamber capable of reproducing, thanks to sophisticated refrigeration systems, the temperature conditions of our northern climate. This tool allows Convectair to compare the performance of different devices and to scientifically establish their level of effectiveness in conditions similar to those in which we live.

The CIFQ helps to bring French researchers and teacher-researchers closer together in order to share their experiences and questions. It is also an opportunity for young researchers to express themselves in front of an experienced public.


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