Canadian Green Retrofit Economy Study

June 17, 2022
Over $3.6 billion has been committed to finance energy efficiency and low carbon upgrades to large buildings across Canada to meet GHG emission reduction targets through building retrofits. It is a historically large investment that will require the green building workforce to more than triple by 2030 to meet the demand for sustainable building construction and renovation. To realize the opportunities that exist from this investment, The Delphi Group is working with the Canada Green Building Council to profile key pathways that will equip the green building ecosystem with insights into the workforce and supply chain needs across Canada’s retrofit economy.
The main objective of the Canadian Green Retrofit Economy study is to expand on existing research and establish supply-related enabling success factors for low-carbon and green building retrofit sector growth for Part 3 buildings in Canada.
The final report was released in June 2022. Read the report HERE.
A series of technical reports and executive summary will be available soon.