Canadian Electricity Generation in January up 1.5%Year Over Year

Canadian Electricity Generation in January up 1.5%Year Over Year

Canada generated 61.2 million megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity in January, up 1.5% from January 2014. The increase was a result of higher generation levels in Quebec, Manitoba, Ontario, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Exports of electricity to the United States rose by 11.8% to 5.4 million MWh, while imports fell 37.2% to 0.8 million MWh, influenced by the strong appreciation of the U.S. dollar against the loonie. While generation increased, the rise in net exports of electricity resulted in a 0.2% decline in available electricity (56.5 million MWh) in Canada.


Energy Efficient Building

Billions in Revenue Forecast for Energy Efficient Building Products and Services

Today’s building stock accounts for a substantial amount of global energy use, putting increased pressure on governments and corporations to reduce their carbon footprints and energy-related spending. As a result, energy efficiency has become a broad-based strategy to solve both of these challenges.


Climate Change

Acting on Climate Change: Solutions from Canadian Scholars

In fall 2014, UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon exhorted all countries to raise the ambitions of their climate change policies to avoid a global temperature increase of more than 2oC during this century. Since the Rio+20 Conference, he has repeatedly called for a greater contribution of science to resolve environmental problems. Responding to this call, 30 Canadian universities created a collective initiative called Sustainable Canada Dialogues (SCD).



Streamlining Green Buildings: USGBC, ASHRAE, ICC, IES, and AIA Collaborate on a Single Code

In an unprecedented commitment to cooperation, the International Code Council (ICC), U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), American Institute of Architects (AIA), Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES), and ASHRAE are collaborating on the next editions of the International Green Construction Code (IgCC), ASHRAE Standard 189.1, and the LEED standard. 


Think You May Be Exposed to Asbestos? Here’s What You Need to Know

From 1992 to 2008, electrician Denis Lapointe worked at the Canada Revenue Agency’s Ottawa taxation facility drilling and pulling wires through walls, floors and ceilings. In the process, he may have been exposing himself and others to asbestos. According to CBC news reports, Lapointe learned that asbestos was present only while reading a 1995 building condition report —despite laws requiring employers to inform workers of hazards they may be exposed to. To find out more, he had to file access to information requests.