Amptek Technologies iCon IoT Hub
August 22, 2017
The iCon is Amptek’s latest product that innovatively uses recent development and research into the growing market for IoT technology.
This multipurpose IoT hub has a number of applications that are useful in various environments,
including in industrial, commercial, and residential environments.
Credit-card-sized low power embedded systems specifically designed for M2M and IoT applications.
It brings the two most common and cost-effective wireless technologies onto one single board design.
Running on the open source uClinux operating system, and with various expansion boards available,
the iCon platform can easily be transformed into a full-scaled embedded system.
The iCon is highly user friendly and can easily connect to your mobile device for full IoT control. Amptek has the ability to customize iCon for control of lighting, HVAC, security and a variety of other IoT applications.
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