The newest Tru-Universal Dimmer in the adorne collection by Legrand

May 13, 2019
Legrand is proud to announce a new addition to the adorne Collection. The new adorne Touch Tru-Universal Dimmers do something today’s dimmers don’t: they simply work – with virtually any dimmable lamp, load, and fixture on typical residential and light commercial wiring (with the exception of 0-10V LED drivers). Once a user selects the lamp type, the dimmer’s self-calibrating technology automatically sets the minimum voltage of that lamp. That means no more flickering lights, no more frustrated customers and no more unnecessary call-backs.
adorne Touch Style Dimmers feature stunning translucent face and operates just like an iPhone – simply touch you finger on the circle to turn the lights on and off or use the arrows on the right to dim them. The white Touch interface is created using a unique translucent material. In multi-gang installations, we recommend pairing white
Touch switches and dimers for optimal consistency.
Touch products include a Locator Status Light which add illumination and make it easier to locate in the dark.
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