Acuity Brands Product Re-launch – D-Series LED Floodlights

Acuity D Series LED Floodlights

July 19, 2020

For the past eight years, the D-Series LED Floods have played a dual roll; providing a highly configurable, made-to-order specification-grade solution as well as a being a quality stock product with short-nomenclature versions. However, the market for floodlighting has shifted and therefore so should our strategy. 

We are now repositioning the D-Series LED floods as distributors’ go-to product for their discretionary stock and configured floodlighting needs.

Key Features:
• Lower pricing for short nomenclature stock versions
• Decreased adders for made-to-order configurations for greater competitiveness on projects (including 347V!)
• Overall performance upgrades
• DSXF Size 3 is now upgraded to offer up to 160LPW and maximum lumen output of 27,000 lumens

Further information can be found in the links below:

DSXF Size 1  Product Page & Photometry  |  Specification Sheet
DSXF Size 2  Product Page & Photometry  |  Specification Sheet
DSXF Size 3  Product Page & Photometry  |  Specification Sheet


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