Champion Flame Shield Fiberglass Phenolic Conduit

April 26, 2024
Champion Flame Shield Fiberglass Phenolic Conduit System, is a 2-hour fire rated electrical conduit system that holds its own in a number of environments, whether damp or dry, hot or cold. Featuring a high temperature 2-hour fire rating that meets UL2196 (2 hours@1850°F), excellent corrosion resistance, a low coefficient of thermal expansion and low-smoke characteristics, this 2- hour fire rated conduit is the No. 1 choice for surface-mounted 2-hour fire-rated electrical conduit systems for transit and passenger rail systems. The Flame Shield® fiberglass raceway system provides for enhanced fire safety, life-safety circuit integrity (when coupled with the correct fire-rated cables), improved system longevity and relief from stray eddy current issues common with some transit systems.
- Light weight contributes to installation ease, savings and safety
- Corrosion resistance to many chemicals
- No burn-through on elbows
- One of the lowest coefficients of friction of any in-market product
- Fire rated conduit is able to retain its shape after impact or compression
- Fire rated conduit withstands extreme conditions and temperatures
- UL 2196 2-hour fire rated conduit will withstand fire for 2 hours @ 1850°F
- UL2196 application maximum support spans not to exceed 4 feet.
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