Klein Tools Launches Digital Tone and Probe Kit for Toning and Tracing Wires on Active Networks

August 21, 2023


Digital Tone and Probe Set

  • Tone on cables connected to a switch or router without disconnecting cables
  • Rugged Angled Bed of Nails (ABN) to trace on unstripped wires 
  • Map wires to check for pin-to-pin connections
  • Test for continuity and polarity
  • 60Hz filter for accurate tracing 
  • Includes: Digital Tone Generator (VDV500-163), Digital Tracing Probe (VDV500-223) Digital Tone Generator Leads (VDV999-920), Zipper Pouch (VDV770-500)

“Klein Tools’ new Digital Tone and Probe Kit offers digital and analog signaling all in one toner and probe,” says Elvin Bautista, product manager at Klein Tools. “Designed with powerful cable tracing and locations technology for any work environment, you can use the digital mode to trace and locate data cables on active networks and use the analog mode to isolate individual wire pairs and trace voice, data, video, and audio cables.”

Go HERE for more information

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