Hydro One Honours Recipients of Women in Engineering Scholarship

Engineering Scholars


Carm Marcello, President and CEO of Hydro One, presented the awards alongside employees Judy McKellar, Tom Kydd and Lyla Garzouzi.

Hydro One has a history of supporting women develop satisfying professional careers for mutual benefit. Part of this support has been community engagement through avenues such as the College Consortium and the University Partnership.

The Women in Engineering Scholarship is part of Hydro One’s One Awards student scholarship programs and annually recognizes outstanding Canadian students attending universities in Ontario. Winners receive a financial reward along with a paid opportunity to work for Hydro One in a developmental student work placement.

Hydro One’s Women in Trades, Technology and Engineering (WTTE) committee is a networking forum for employees to focus on shared experiences in male-dominated fields while garnering support, promoting mentorship and recognizing women’s accomplishments. The WTTE will be offering a work term to all scholarship recipients.

Hydro One is accepting applications for next year’s Women In Engineering Award.
Deadline to apply is Dec. 31, 2015.

• 15 Scholarships of $5,000 each are available for women studying engineering at the undergraduate level in accredited Ontario universities.
• Women receiving a scholarship will also have the opportunity to engage in a paid developmental work term with Hydro One.

All applicants must be:
• Canadian citizens or landed immigrants enrolled in full time study in an accredited Ontario University.
• While preference will be given to electrical engineering students, women completing their second year of engineering studies in other areas of specialization are also encouraged to apply.
• Of good academic standing with a strong GPA.
• Have strong oral and written communication skills.

Optional Criterion:
• Engaged in outreach, volunteer or educational activities with younger girls
The student awarded an initial scholarship may apply for a second and final scholarship of $5,000.00 provided she maintains an acceptable GPA and remains in the Engineering stream.

How to Apply:
The scholarship application form is available at www.hydroone.com/careers under the One Awards, which is located in New Grads & Students section. Applicants must include a copy of their unofficial transcripts and updated resume along with their application.

Where to Apply and Deadline:
The application deadline is December 31st of any given year
Applications can be sent to:
Hydro One Networks Inc.
Hydro One Women in Engineering Scholarship
483 Bay Street, South Tower, 7th Floor
Toronto, ON M5G 2P5
Attn: Alice Sahazizian
Fax: (416) 345-6230
E-mail (Preferred): Careers@HydroOne.com

Selection of Winners:
Following the application deadline (December 31) applications are reviewed by Hydro One’s Community Investment Department and Diversity Manager in conjunction with Hydro One’s People & Culture Recruitment group. The top candidates are short-listed for an interview. The interview candidates are then ranked based on their interview scores and the top candidates are chosen as the winners.

Scholarship Luncheon:
Hydro One will arrange an awards luncheon for the award winners and their 2 invited guests where the monetary award will be presented.

Work Term with Hydro One:
In addition to the financial award, the winners are given an opportunity to obtain a paid developmental work term with Hydro One. Hydro One will contact the award winners to arrange this work term, depending on the work term conditions for the winner’s place of study.


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