Ontario Power Generation Recognized for its Aboriginal Relations

The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) has awarded Ontario Power Generation (OPG) a silver certification for its performance in Aboriginal relations. The utility has working relationships and partnerships with First Nations and Métis communities located near current and future operations,including:
• Lac Seul First Nation on the Lac Seul/Obishikokaang Waasiganikewigamig Generating Station in Ear Falls in northwestern Ontario. The station started generating electricity in 2009.
• Moose Cree First Nation on the Lower Mattagami River hydroelectric project in the Moose River Basin in northeastern Ontario. This $2.6 billion dollar project, which now delivers 438 additional megawatts of clean, renewable power was completed on time and ahead of schedule.
• TaykwaTagamou Nation (TTN) in partnership with OPG is building a 28 megawatt hydroelectric station which will provide economic benefits to TTN and clean renewable energy for Ontario. The station is expected to be in service in 2018.
Photo: OPG’s Mike Martelli (left) accepts CCAB Award. Photo credit: CNW Group/Ontario Power Generation Inc.
“OPG understands the importance of partnership and community, making their silver Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) designation the outstanding contribution to better business that it proudly symbolizes,” says CCAB President and CEO JP Gladu.
“We’re pleased to be independently recognized for our work with Aboriginal communities,” said OPG’s Vice-President of Corporate Relations and Communications Ted Gruetzer.” It’s quite an honour for our company to receive the silver designation. The PAR assessment will help OPG take steps over the next three years toward a gold rating.”
The CCAB is a national non-profit organization that offers knowledge, resources, and programs to both mainstream and Aboriginal owned companies that foster economic opportunities for Aboriginal people and businesses across Canada.