Manitoba Hydro LED Street Light Conversion to Save 5 MW by 2020-2021
As traditional, high pressure sodium (HPS) street lights burn out, Manitoba Hydro plans to replace them with LEDs. The utility aims to convert more than 130,000 street lights within the next 5 to 7 years. LED fixtures consume nearly 60% less energy than HPS technology.
Conversion benefits include:
• reduced energy consumption
• 20 -year lifespan
• less maintenance
• a more direct white light
• lamps can be recycled
• reduced light spillage
The switch to LED street lights is expected to save 35 GWh in electricity savings and 5 MW in winter peak demand savings by 2020–2021, and 27,000 tonnes of indirect greenhouse gas emission reductions in the electricity export market, which is equivalent to removing 5,400 cars from the road.